Friday, February 5, 2016

Magento 2 - 403 forbidden error after file system permissions and ownership according to official Magento site

After successful installing Magento 2 we get some trouble with folder permission on some specific server configuration.

Official Magneto site recommends to set 770 for folders and 660 as file permissions but after that we may get 403 forbidden error or CSS and JS would not load properly.

In my case 775 for folders and 664 as file permissions works properly. But still it creates issues for some template folders and files which Magento generates on the fly, because Magento creates them with default Magento permissions 770 and 660.  If we do below changes in code this issue can be resolved.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to put Cs-Cart store offline or maintenance mode ?

Many times we need to put our CS-Cart store offline for maintenance or upgrade work. CS - Cart by default provides option to close store for admin.

It asks to enter access_key to enter when we select option to close store. That key admin user can use to access public store.  So only user knows that key can access store when it is closed.

To close CS-Cart store for public follow below steps -

iTransact payment gateway integration with php

iTransact is a 20 year old, full service payment processing company powered by the largest processors on the planet servicing millions, while at the same time providing personal, world-class customer support and assistance. iTransact’s end-to-end merchant solutions include mobile, internet, as well as traditional retail services from virtually any legitimate industry within the United States. Other offerings include custom gateway services with access to a virtual terminal, recurring billing, all types of equipment and point of sale solutions, Applepay, EMV, electronic check and ACH services, and much more.

For more details click here -

In this tutorial we will learn how to integrate  PHP application with iTransact payment gateway.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to create Virtual Host on Ubuntu Apache ?

Step 1: Create First Virtual Host

In Apache on Ubuntu all the virtual host configuration files are stored under /etc/apache2/sites-available directory.
Create a new Virtual Host configuration file by copying default file.
By using following linux terminal command.

cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Configure SMTP on Xampp

Step 1 – Open php.ini
Add below lines under [mail function]
sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"

Friday, March 20, 2015

Centos - xz compression is not available error when trying to install any package

Generally this issue comes when we install the wrong epel-release package.  I have fixed this issue by using below command

 yum remove epel-release

which removes that wrong package.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Vtiger - How to do settings for outgoing server when you don't now about SMTP server details

By doing some minor tweaks in core file we can easily enable default sendmail instead of SMTP settings.

In CRM, open file vtigercrm/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php

Changes should be as below:

function IsSMTP() {
$this->Mailer = "smtp"


function IsSMTP() {
$this->Mailer = "sendmail"

Now go to outgoing server settings in CRM admin and enter details like below -
Your password for above email
Set as per your choice
Set as per your choice